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Project Review - Archaeology

For more information contact:

Rob Whitlam
State Archaeologist
(360) 890-2615


Compliance with archaeological resources requires the hiring of a professional archaeologist who meets the Secretary of the Interior's Professional Qualification Standards and State Law.  This individual(s) will handle the formal consultation with DAHP.  The department has developed a set of standards (Washington State Standards for Cultural Resource Reporting) which outlines how to conduct the archaeological survey and inventory process.  The document is intended to explain survey standards and expectations and provides direction for professionals preparing and submitting Archaeology Site Inventory Forms and the survey reports that accompany them.  Be aware that these standards do not set or interpret any policies, regulations, or permit requirements of any other public agency.  For survey projects tied to federal, state, or local laws, these standards provide only technical information about the survey and inventory process and completion of related reports.

Wet Site Excavations, Thurston County

 For specific information about various Federal and State programs and how to comply with their regulations relating to historic preservation see left column.

 What to send to the SHPO:

  • A Cultural Resource Report Cover Sheet
  • A letter and map (showing project area) asking for the SHPO to concur with the Area of Potential Effect (APE) for the project/undertaking.
  • A letter asking for the SHPO to concur with the federal agency's determinations of Eligibility and/or Effect.  The agency should make its own determinations and not ask the SHPO to make the initial evaluation.
  • A Cultural Resource Survey Report
  • A copy of the CR Report saved as a PDF
  • Appropriate Archaeological Site Forms
  • National Register forms used for Determination of Eligibility of Archaeological sites (as needed)


Helpful Documents


Determination of Eligibility



