Washington State Advisory Council on Historic Preservation
The Washington State Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (WA-ACHP) is comprised of citizens knowledgeable in Washington's history, archaeology, and architecture. The nine member board reviews nominations to the National Register of Historic Places and the Washington Heritage Register. The Council meets three to four times a year, at various locations across the state.
The council also acts in advisory capacity to the governor on policy issues regarding preservation activities in the state and recommends to the State Historic Preservation Officer (SHPO) placement of properties onto the state and national register. The council was established and is defined by WAC 25-12. The staff to the council is Michael Houser, State Architectural Historian, who can be reached at (360) 890-2634 or Michael.Houser@dahp.wa.gov. The council was established in 1971 and has had a variety of members and chair's throughout the years. (Click here for a list of past ACHP Chair's)
Citizen Member (Chair)
Jesus Sanchez
Historical Architect
Doug Ito
Citizen Member
Zachary Simonson-Bond
Heritage Organization
Lynn Mandyke
Elizabeth Godlewski
Stephenie Kramer
Architectural Historian
Eugenia Woo
Citizen Member
Robert Mack
Tribal Representative
Jacqueline Cook
182nd ACHP Meeting - Friday: ???, 2025 - 1pm
The Washington State Governor's Advisory Council on Historic Preservation will consider the following for nomination to the State and/or National Register of Historic Places on - Friday ??, 2025 - 1:00pm to 3:30pm via a Zoom meeting. See agenda for approx. time when each nomination will be heard. The meeting is open to the public and folks are welcome to jump on and off the call at any time. Zoom Meeting Link info:
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To Access the Meeting (Click Here)Meeting ID: Meeting Time:
At the meeting Preservation Office staff will present a brief presentation on the history of the nominated resources, correspondence will be entered into the record, and the Council will entertain comments from people in the audience who wish to speak. Following discussion, the Council will act on the nomination, rendering an opinion of whether the property meets the State and/or National Register Criteria. State Register listing will occur at the meeting, and National Register nominations (pending approval by the ACHP) will be forward to the Keeper of the NR in Washington D.C. for formal listing.
Updated Agenda (download here) - with Review Times
- Results of NR listing
- PowerPoint Presentation - 182nd
- Heritage Barn Register Nominations - Round 38