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Public Disclosure

Send public disclosure requests to:

Department of Archaeology & Historic Preservation
Public Disclosure
360-586-3067 (fax)

Public Disclosure
Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation,
PO Box 48343
Olympia, WA 98504-8343

Washington State law (Chapter 42.56 RCW) requires that identifiable public records be made available promptly to members of the public for inspection and copying upon request. Only records that are exempt by law may be withheld from disclosure.  Allowable exemptions are detailed in RCW 42.56.050, 42.56.070, 42.56.210, 42.56.230, 42.56.300 and 5.60.060 920(a). These exemptions are generally intended to prevent invasion of privacy and the use of public records for personal, commercial or political gain. They include, but are not limited to:

  • Information regarding agency personnel, such as social security numbers, home phone numbers, home addresses, resumés and employment applications:
  • Data, the disclosure or information of which if disclosed could result in private gain and/or public loss.
  • Drafts and intra-agency memos that express an opinion, formulate policy, or make recommendations.
  • Correspondence and work product between agency staff and the Attorney General's Office.
  • Information whose release would constitute an invasion of privacy as defined in RCW 42.56.050.
  • Records, maps, and other information that identify the location of archaeological sites, historic sites, artifacts, or the sites of traditional religious, ceremonial, or social uses and activities of affected Indian tribes.

To make a request for public records, provide the name, address, and telephone number or email address of the person requesting the record; the date on which the request is being made; and a detailed description of the requested records (subject, dates, location, etc.) to:

Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation Public Disclosure
Phone: 360-515-8416
FAX: 360-586-3067
Mail: Public Disclosure, Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation,
PO Box 48343, Olympia, WA 98504-8343

In accordance with the Governor’s directive, the agency will endeavor to supply public records electronically whenever possible. 

The length of time to fulfill a public records request depends on the specific request and how many other requests the agency is processing. 

Within five (5) business days of receiving the request, as required by law, the Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation will respond and:

  • Make the requested record(s) available; or
  • Make a portion of the records available in installments as they are assembled; or
  • Deny the request; or
  • Acknowledge the request and provide a reasonable estimate of time needed to respond.
  • Provide a link to the records if they are on the website or the public side of WISAARD;
  • Ask for clarification if the request is unclear;
  • Indicate that there are no responsive records

To review DAHP's Public Records Act Policy click here.