Mitigation Ideas
Mitigation is an important product of the regulatory consultation process. When it is not possible to avoid or minimize adverse effects, mitigation is required. Outlined within a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA), mitigation measures can vary widely depending on the resource and complexity of the project. All mitigation should provide a direct public benefit and must be agreed to by all of the consulting parties. Note that per the Moss-Bennett Act, most projects over $50,000 typically allocate mitigation costs for cultural resources of around 1% of the total amount of the project costs.
Things to consider when developing mitigation options:
- What is the value of the resource/site to others?
- Are the mitigation costs commensurate with the value of the resource?
- Are the mitigation efforts commensurate with the scale of the project?
- Are there other options that don't include archaeological site excavation or histioric building documentation?
- What, if any, partnerships are available?
Mitigation measures may include public participation activities, support for an alternate cultural resource, or general non site-specific mitigation. There is no such thing as a standard mitigation package. Please feel free to think outside the box and outside of the project area. Past mitigation efforts have included, but are not limited to:
- Create a Museum Exhibit
- Complete a Thematic or Multiple Property study
- Do additional inventory work
- Develope a History Essay - Historylink : Free, on-line encylopedia of Washington State's history (Contracting Info)
- Host/ facilitate a lecture series
- Documentaries or Public Service Announcements
- Integrate art into your project using new and/or salvaged elements of a historic resource
- Create a coffee table book
- Complete a National Register nomination(s)
- Additional consultation to ensure compatible replacement buildings/structures
- Support for preservation non-profit organizations
- Move and/or salvage a historic property - Building Removal Assessment Tool
- Conduct a Training/Workshop
- Climate Impact Assessment - CARE Tool
- Carbon Footprint Study
- Create a Facade Improvement Grant
- Develope School Curriculum
- Produce a Resource/Typology Guidebooks
- Historic Structure Report
- Heritage Tourism Projects
- Building component salvage and reuse
- Website development
- Complete restoration of important tribal gathering sites
- Internship Program
- Historic Context Development
- Install Interpretive Signage
- Design Ideas
- Do in situ preservation of cultural resources
- Facilitate access to important tribal areas
- Create an ARC GIS Story Map
- Create a Preservation Covenant
- Add additional design details into projects
- Develop formal documentation - DAHP mitigation standards
- HABS | HAER Standards - NPS
- Fund an Ethnographic study
- Incorporate Art into new development that honnors the history and/or connections of the site
- Support for WISAARD development and enhancement - ACHP /NCSHPO letter on providing support
Note that DAHP, the lead agency, tribes, and all other consulting or concurring parties should come to an agreement on the type of mitigation. Please note that typically the mitigation must be executed before any work/demolition of the resource begins. In most cases, mitigation and/or documentation products provided to DAHP, will be retained by DAHP and/or others as specified in the MOA.