What Does "Listing a Property" Mean?
Listing a property on the National Register of Historic Places or being determined eligible for listing does not automatically preserve a building, and it does not keep a building from being modified or destroyed.
National Register Listing Does:
- Provides recognition of a property’s significance in history, architecture, engineering, or archaeology
- Provides a tool for local planning, heritage tourism, and heritage education.
- Provides some protection in the form of consideration and mitigation of adverse effects to historic properties from federally-funded, permited or licensed projects (Section 106 NHPA)
- Provides the owner of an income-producing property (commercial, industrial, or rental residential) the opportunity to receive federal investment tax credits of up to 20% of costs for a certified rehabilitation
- Provides the owner the opportunity to apply for matching grant-in-aid funds for restoration, when such funds are available from a variety of organizations
- Allows the owner to receive free technical assistance from Department of Archaeology & HIstoric Preservation staff on following the Secretary of the Interior's Standards for Rehabilitation for maintenance and rehabilitation or restoration of the historic property
National Register Listing Does Not:
Does not place restrictions on a private property owner regarding use, maintenance, or alterations to a property
- Does not require a city/county to restrict the use of a private property, although local ordinances may require architectural review or review of the property by a local historic preservation commission if they add those resources to their local register as well
- Does not require Federal or State review of proposed alterations to a property unless the project has a Federal nexus (money, grant, permit, license) which could effect listed or eligible resources. Owners interested in technical assistance with rehabilitation should contact the Department of Archaeology & Historic Preservation
- Does not mean the Federal or State government will seek to purchase or place restrictions on private property
- Does not affect the use or sale of private property
- Does not require that the building/structure be returned to its historic state as the result of loss or damage for insurance purposes.
- Does not require an owner to allow public access to private property
- Encourages, but does not require, continual maintenance of the private property
- Does not require any government/or private entity to maintain a property, nor does it automatically provide funds for restoration and preservation
- Does not provide an historical marker for the property, although owners are eligible to purchase one through private vendors