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Tribal Consultation Information

Return of P'Squousa Powwow, Leavenworth - 2007

Consultation means the process of seeking, discussing, and considering the views of other participants, and, where feasible, seeking agreement with them regarding matters arising in the Section 106 process of the National Historic Preservation Act. 

Many federal, state and local statutes and ordinance require notice and consultation with affected Tribes before, during and after project review.  Though formal Government to Government consultation is the purview of the federal government, the state of Washington also affirms Tribal sovereignty and has a government to government relationship. 

Each Tribe is a sovereign nation and has its own definition of appropriate consultation.  However, below are some materials to assist you in your consultation efforts:

To read these reports on Tribal Consultation Best Practices in Historic Preservation authored by the National Association of Tribal Historic Preservation Officers and the US Dept of the Interior.

To read the Centennial Accord between the Federally Recognized Indian Tribes in Washington State and the State of Washington, Please follow this link:

In addition, some Tribes have provided their own consultation protocols to DAHP for inclusion on this website.  To view them, click the appropriate link.  If a Tribal government is not listed, please contact the Tribe individually to ask for proper protocols.

The complete listing of Tribal Contacts is here: 

INTERACTIVE MAP of Tribal Areas of Interest (These tribal areas of interest have been provided to DAHP by the tribal organization for the purposes of consulting with DAHP on the protection of cultural resources within Washington State.)

Many tribal areas of interest overlap. Click on the map to highlight the area of interest outlines or to get a popup with the name of the tribe or tribes in that area. Use the arrow on the popup to scroll through the different tribes that have interest in that area.