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Project Review

This page describes the process for interacting with DAHP for regulatory reviews. For more information about each regulation click the heading or use the links on the left sidebar. 

The Wisaard system is not currently configured to accept all types of consultation materials, specifically correspondence. We are working on improving this workflow. For the time being, completion of regulatory consultation is a hybrid of email and Wisaard submission. Thank you for your patience with this process as we work to make Wisaard even better. 

Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act

Basic process for Section 106 regulatory review:

Step 1: Lead Federal agency creates a new Project in Wisaard and adds all necessary project contacts including consultants and interested tribes. Please Note: Only those with Wisaard secure access will be able to view the Project. It is not necessary to add DAHP staff to the project. Staff will self-assign.
Step 2: Federal agency creates APE in Wisaard using the eAPE module and uploads initial consultation letter to APE module (optional, but highly encouraged).  If not using eAPE the Federal agency initiates consultation with DAHP by sending a digital project description and APE map, including the Wisaard Project number, to the Section 106 email
Step 3: Federal agency Submits eAPE in Wisaard.
Step 4: Federal agency sends brief email to to notify DAHP that the APE is ready for review.
Step 5: DAHP will respond to the APE submittal with a letter emailed to the submitter. If using eAPE, concurrence will appear in Wisaard.
Step 6: Federal agency commences with necessary cultural resource investigation and enters data into Wisaard. This includes archaeology site forms, historic property inventory forms, and reports.
Step 7: Federal agency submits cultural resource investigation to DAHP (Submit Activity in Wisaard).
Step 8: Federal agency submits letter via email ( requesting concurrence with determinations of eligibility and determination of effect for the project.
Step 9: DAHP reviews cultural resource investigation in Wisaard and responds to federal agency determiantions of eligibility in Wisaard.
Step 10: DAHP provides letter to federal agency summarizing determinations of eligibility and concurrence with determination of effect. 

Section 110 of the National Historic Preservation Act

Section 110 of the National Historic Preservation Act directs federal agencies to assume responsibility for the preservation of historic properties which are owned or controlled by such agency. To that end, each federal agency shall establish a preservation program for the identification, evaluation, and nomination to the National Register of Historic Places, and protection of historic properties. Part of the program may include consultation with the State Historic Preservation Office, among others. 

Step 1: Federal agency starts a new Project in Wisaard and completes the desired inventory forms.
Step 2: Federal agency sends a letter to with request for determination of eligibility concurrence.
Step 3: DAHP will review the resources and respond to the determination for each resource in Wisaard.
Step 4: DAHP will email a letter to the Federal agency with our comments/concurrence.

State Environmental Policy Act

Since the lead government agency for SEPA projects often does not access the secure side of Wisaard, the process for submission of cultural resource data by consultants is as follows:

Step 1: If you were not given a DAHP Project number from your client, please SEARCH Wisaard Projects to make sure you do not create a duplicate. If you find a Project that appears to match your project, but it is not accessible to you, please email to be added to the Project. If you do not find anything that appears to match your project, please start a new Project and assign the appropriate contacts.  
Step 2: Enter cultural resource information including archaeology site forms, historic property inventory forms, and reports.
Step 3: Submit the information (Submit Activity)
Step 4: Send email to to notify DAHP that the cultural resource investigation is ready for review. 
Step 4: DAHP will review the submission and you will receive letter response via email.

Forest Practices Application (FPA)

Since the lead government agency for FPA projects (DNR Regional staff) often do not access the secure side of Wisaard, the process for submission of cultural resource data by consultants is as follows:

Step 1: If you were not given a DAHP Project number from your client, please SEARCH Wisaard Projects to make sure you do not create a duplicate. If you find a Project that appears to match your project, but it is not accessible to you, please email to be added to the Project. If you do not find a match, please start a new Project and assign the appropriate contacts.  
Step 2: Enter cultural resource information including archaeology site forms, historic property inventory forms, and reports.
Step 3: Submit the information (Submit Activity)
Step 4: Send email to to notify DAHP that the cultural resource investigation is ready for review. 
Step 5: Landowner will resubmit FPA to DNR, DNR will confirm with DAHP conflict resolved.

Governor's Executive Order 21-02 

Projects using state capital funds are reviewed in accordance with Executive Order 21-02. If you are a manager of these funds for a state agency that does not have cultural resource professionals on staff or on contract, or are a funding recipient, please use our EZ/Project Review Form for cultural resource review. If you are a cultural resource professional at a state agency please follow the steps for Section 106 review, but send emails to APE is not required for 21-02, but you are welcome to use it. 

Reviews for non-cultural resources professionals

If you are a manger of federal funds from agencies such as HUD, USDA or HHS and do not have cultural resource professionals on staff or on contract, please use our EZ/Project Review Form for cultural resource review. 

Shoreline Management Act

If you are submitting a report or archaeology site form, please follow the process for SEPA, above.