Historic Theater Grant Program
In 2021, the Washington State Legislature approved funding in the Capital Budget to establish the Historic Theater Capital Grant program. The program is intended to recognize and preserve historic theaters as an essential element to economic vitality and social health of any community – especially in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.
The grant program is housed within the Washington State Department of Archaeology & Historic Preservation (DAHP) and managed under contract by the Washington Trust for Historic Preservation. The first round awarded $280,000 in matching funds for the 2021-2023 Biennium, with a limit of $50,000 per request. Eight grants were awarded. State Fiscal Year 23-25 capital budget included an additional $515,000 in funding to continue the Historic Theater Grant Program. Twelve grants were awarded.
More than 80 operating historic theaters remain in Washington. They are scattered in both small towns and urban neighborhoods. In fact, 25% of the theaters are located in communities with a population of under 5,000, and nearly 56% are in communities under 50,000. As businesses, they contribute local economies in purchasing goods and products, employing people, and paying taxes. As venues for performances and film, they support an arts economy that ripples far beyond individual artists to include construction workers, graphic designers, electricians, and many other trades and services. Additionally, historic theaters are indispensable assets in developing cultural tourism—the fastest growing segment of the tourism market. As theater closures statewide were eminent through the last year and a half, the grant program hopes to not only offset deferred maintenance but also foster a preservation ethic for these cherished community gathering spaces.
Grant Documents:
- Theater Grant Guidelines & Procedures
- Theater Grant Application - Applications for the FY23-25 grant cycle are now closed!
- Additional Grant info
- Additional Historic Theater info
Storymap: The Show Must Go On! Historic Theaters in WA
Historic Theater Grant Recipients: 21-23 Biennium
Columia Theatre Association Longview |
7th Street Theatre Hoquiam |
Sandpoint Naval Air Station - Building 47 Theater Seattle |
North Bend Theatre North Bend |
Omak Theater Omak |
Lincoln Theatre Mount Vernon |
Garland Theater Spokane |
Liberty Theater Walla Walla |
Historic Theater Grant Recipients: 23-25 Biennium
Princess Theater Prosser |
ACT Contemporary Theatre Seattle |
Paramount Theater Seattle |
Roxy Theatre Bremerton |
Roslyn Theatre Roslyn |
Chehalis Theater Chehalis |
Roxy Theater Newport |
Blue Mouse Theater Tacoma |
Rialto Theater Tacoma |
Concrete Theater Concrete |
Everett Theater Everett |
Capitol Theater Yakima |