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Home » ‘November on the North Shore’ Open House at the Historic U.S. Quarantine Station Museum at Knappton Cove, Washington

‘November on the North Shore’ Open House at the Historic U.S. Quarantine Station Museum at Knappton Cove, Washington

‘November on the North Shore’ Open House at the historic U.S. Quarantine Station Museum at Knappton Cove, Washington Saturday, November 9 ~ 11-3 pm Enjoy hot cider & history at our annual “O, How Horriable is the Day” Event remembering the Lewis & Clark Expedition Meet ‘Sacagawea’ & more Lewis & Clark Pacific NW Living Historians Free Admission              *Donations Welcome *Your tax-deductible donation to the Knappton Cove Heritage Center will help preservation and interpretation of this National Historic Site Event held in conjunction with the Columbia Pacific Heritage Museum, Washington State Parks and the Long Beach Peninsula Visitor’s Center ‘Ocian in View’ weekend. Location: 3 miles upriver (Hwy 401) from the Washington side of the Astoria/Megler Bridge Contact Person: Nancy Anderson 503-738-5206 Email: