New! 2011 Draft Agenda (Posted 3-4-2011): Click here "Doing More With Less:Strategic Action in an Era of Competing Resources"
The so-called Great Recession has dominated headlines for over two years, and no person or profession, including those involved in cultural resource protection, appears able to escape its effects. Economic factors, such as job growth, new construction, infrastructure, and business financing, all influence our opportunities for engaging in effective cultural resource protection. Government regulation and funding also factor into overall demand for our services. The economic picture is, no doubt, grim, but how bad is it? Are things truly dismal across the board, or are there actually areas of opportunity for our communities, our businesses, our shared resources? When the demand for cultural resource services is most often triggered by government regulation, how should we respond if the role of government is curtailed? In what ways can the private sector mobilize to ensure that resources are still protected? As competition for financial, cultural, natural, and other “resources” increases, how will we respond? What are our options? Critical thinking, strategic planning and action, and creative partnerships must certainly factor into our response, perhaps now more than ever. Join an experienced slate of practitioners as we examine the issues affecting cultural resource protection and identify strategies to achieve our goals despite current economic pressures. Leave with more options for saving resources, including time, money, and our cultural and natural treasures! SPECIAL SESSION ON DUELING RESOURCES: Current regulations, professional practices, and public perceptions often pit the protection of cultural and natural resources against one another. Do we have to sacrifice one resource type for another? How can we successfully navigate a project that is good for fish but will impact cultural resources? How do we educate project proponents about the need to avoid impacts to an archaeological site when the impacts are considered unavoidable due to other resources that take priority? How do we educate permitting agencies that Tribes and other cultural resource advocates do not always consider data recovery appropriate mitigation? Should cultural resources be afforded the equivalent of federal Salmon Recovery Funds to assist in preserving sites? How have other resource advocates successfully addressed these issues? Join a group of experienced cultural and natural resource managers to learn more about dueling resource protection, how to resolve apparent conflicts, and how the various parties can fulfill their responsibilities for resource protection. For full information on the Summit, please see their website!