What’s Our Story?
Reflecting on Resources, Relationships, and Responsibility
The 2012 Cultural Resource Protection Summit marks the fifth anniversary of our gathering. Since its inception, the primary goal in organizing the annual Summit has been to facilitate amongst all affected parties an open, frank discussion about the intersection between cultural resources and land use. The Summit is designed to promote collaborative cultural resource planning as an effective means of finding resolution to issues before they escalate into emotionally-charged, divisive, and expensive stalemates or law suits.What’s our story five years later? Have we learned anything? Have we improved that way cultural resource protection is carried out in Washington State? The Pacific Northwest? The United States? This year, we will highlight three topics that have permeated Summits past: cultural resources, relationships, and responsibility. What are cultural resources, what do they tell us about our shared history, and why should anyone care? Who are our fellow cultural resource advocates, and how do we establish functional, productive relationships with them? Whose responsibility is it to protect cultural resources, and how do we ensure that we all do our part?
Join an experienced slate of practitioners, storytellers, and your fellow attendees as we examine together the state of cultural resource protection in our region and identify strategies to achieve our goals. Leave with more tools for doing your part to protect our cultural resources and the important stories they tell!
OPENING KEYNOTE BY LYNDA V. MAPES: Join us for a very special keynote address by Lynda V. Mapes, author of Breaking Ground: The Lower Elwha and the Unearthing of Tse-whit-zen Village and staff reporter for The Seattle Times. Ms. Mapes represents one of our region’s best storytellers and has covered cultural resource protection issues for many years. Her address promises to be both educational and inspirational. We hope to see you there!
* CM credits for Planners will be applied for in cooperation with the Planning Association of Washington (PAW).
For more information, please see the Leadership Series website.