2015-2017 Application Process begins for Heritage Capital Projects Fund
Feb 18, 2014
The Washington State Historical Society is proud to announce the next application cycle of the Heritage Capital Projects Fund (HCPF). HCPF Grant Application Forms for the 2015-2017 biennium and related information can be found here. HCPF Grant Guidelines provide a program overview, and details of the application process including instructions, the review process and the contracting process. The HCPF 2015-2017 Contract and General Provisions provide a look ahead at the obligations and requirements associated with an HCPF grant award, and four free Grant Application Workshops are scheduled for March 2014. Through the competitive Heritage Capital Projects Fund (HCPF) grant program, the state provides up to ten million dollars each biennium to reimburse up to 33% of the eligible costs of selected heritage capital projects; and, grantees must provide at least 67% match. To meet the legislative intent of the HCPF, applicants must be eligible entities with eligible projects. Applicants must demonstrate significant public benefit in the form of heritage interpretation and preservation, involve property that will be held a minimum of 13 years beyond the completion of the project and have the capacity and readiness to undertake and complete their capital project by June 30, 2017. HCPF-funded projects must have a minimum total project cost of $25,000 and applicants request a grant of no more than $1,000,000. HCPF grant applicants need to comply with all applicable federal, state, and local laws, regulations, policies, including, but not limited to the Governor's Executive Order 05-05 (see Historic Preservation Laws), high performance ("green") building standards (see RCW 39.35D) and prevailing wage laws (see RCW 39.12 and WAC 296-127). Before preparing an HCPF grant, an applicant should determine its eligibility, the eligibility of the proposed project and whether it has the capacity and readiness to achieve for a successful Heritage Capital Project. Grant Applications will be due May 15, 2014 for potential funding in the 2015-2017 state capital budget. To RSVP for one of the workshops, please send your name, organization and contact information to janet.rogerson@wshs.wa.gov at least four days ahead of the course.