American Museum Of Natural History Tells The Story Of The Schooner Adventuress’ 1913 “Virgin Voyage” On September 19
Sep 11, 2013
As part of the year-long celebration for Puget Sound’s historic schooner Adventuress’ 100th birthday, the story of the ship’s 1913 maiden voyage to the Arctic will be told by the very institution that sent her there. Adventuress’ Virgin Voyage will be presented on Thursday, September 19 from 6-8PM at the Seattle Central Library by Thomas Baione, the American Museum of Natural History’s Harold Boeschenstein Director of the Department of Library Services. The talk and slide show will explore the history of the schooner’s 1913 maiden Arctic expedition and feature photos never-before-seen by the public from the Museum’s vast archives. Leading the expedition was Roy Chapman Andrews, one of the great explorers of the 20th century who would later lead the Museum’s legendary Central Asiatic Expeditions and become the Museum’s Director. Adventuress, a National Historic Landmark and now Puget Sound’s environmental tall ship, made her first trip in the service of science. Mr. Baione will tell the story of the voyage entirely through archival documents held in the Museum’s Library and Mammalogy Department Archives about the trip’s mission to collect a bowhead whale skeleton for exhibit, fearing the species would soon become extinct. With relevancy to today’s global environmental issues, the story relates fascinating details of a period when conservation and concern for species’ survival was just entering the public consciousness. The program is co-hosted by Special Collections in the Seattle Central Library, Sound Experience, and The Center for Wooden Boats with financial support from JAS Design Build. The talk is free and open to the public at the Seattle Central Library in downtown Seattle in the Washington Mutual Foundation Meeting Room on Level 4. Early arrival is advised as space is limited. For more information, contact the Seattle Central Library at 206-386-4636. Today, Adventuress is owned and operated by the nonprofit Sound Experience and sails with a mission to educate, inspire and empower an inclusive community to make a difference for the future of our marine environment. More than 3,000 youth and adults voyage throughout Puget Sound on day and overnight programs each year. To learn more, visit or call 360-379-0438.