Carol Shull, longtime Keeper of the National Register Keeper, Retires
Jan 09, 2015
Carol Shull has announced her retirement from the National Park Service (NPS) as of January 3, 2015. She has posted the following message: Dear Friends and Colleagues: After January 3, 2015, I will no longer be an employee of the National Park Service. I just want to take this opportunity to express my appreciation for all you have done and continue to do for your State, its communities, and its citizens, and for our country. The National Historic Preservation Act owes much of its success to your fine work. Since I joined the staff of the National Register as a historian in 1972, it has been a privilege to be your partner and engage with you and so many others who care deeply about our shared heritage. I will be volunteering part time with the National Park Service, will continue to be involved in historic preservation in a variety of ways, and look forward to supporting you in any way I can. Thank you for your dedication. Best wishes for the new year and warm regards, Carol Shull Many who have worked in historic preservation know and have worked with Carol during her many years as Keeper of the National Register and more recently in her capacity working on the NPS' Teaching with Historic Places and Heritage Travel Itineraries programs. She is known for her dedication to the National Register program and passion for historic preservation. Dr. Stephanie Toothman, known to many in the Pacific Northwest for work at the NPS Regional Office in Seattle, has assumed the title of Keeper of the National Register as well as her responsibility as Associate Director of Cultural Resources, Partnerships, and Science for the NPS.