CIty of Spokane Seeks Contractor for Temporary HPO
Feb 18, 2014
The City of Spokane is seeking a consultant or consulting firm with the qualifications to serve as the City of Spokane’s Historic Preservation Officer for a limited time on a contractual basis. Please submit your qualifications to Scott Chesney, Director of Planning and Development as soon as possible. The position of Historic Preservation Officer is a highly specialized position and a qualified consultant acting as the City’s Historic Preservation Officer will need to meet the Secretary of the Interior’s Professional Qualifications and provide the following services,
- Organize and supervise Landmarks Commission review and processing of applications for designations, tax incentives, and design review.
- Conduct public hearings of the City-County Historic Landmarks Commission, some where the Commission acts in a quasi-judicial capacity. Establish and maintain records for the Commission. Train new Commission members.
- Evaluate architectural design for compliance with Management Agreement in reference to the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for Rehabilitation. Make recommendations to the Landmarks Commission regarding design review.
- Evaluate Special Valuation Tax incentives program applications for compliance in design and expenditures, and make recommendations to the Landmarks Commission.
- Administer the Memorandum of Agreement for Section 106 to evaluate CDBG-funded-properties for the National Register eligibility for the State Historic Preservation Office.