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DAHP Consultant's Training Planned for this Month!

SAVE THE DATE:  Consultant’s Training in Southwest Washington DAHP staff will be in Vancouver, Washington on Thursday, September 25th – at the Pearson Air Museum! The purpose of the workshop is to provide guidance to our consultants on:
  • DAHP survey and inventory expectations,
  • site types, and the professional qualifications for recording sites
  • changes to state law regarding Cultural Resources and the protection of graves;
  • and to provide opportunities for consultants to ask questions about regulatory compliance on Section 106, SEPA, and Governor’s Executive Order 05-05.
This training is limited by the capacity of the classroom.  The training is open to Cultural Resource Consultants and Public Agency resource reviewers. The cost of the program is FREE! Space is limited so for registration information contact Russell Holter, DAHP Training Coordinator at 360-586-3533 or