DAHP Training for Consultants Set for January 28th in Olympia
Jan 14, 2013
Due to an overwhelming response for Consultant’s Training, the Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation is adding a second training on Tuesday January 29th from 9am to 3:30 at the DAHP Training Center. Please contact Russell Holter to sign-up for this class.
DAHP plans to hold our next Cultural Resource Consultant Workshop on Monday, January 28th in Olympia from 9 am to 3:30 pm. The purpose of the workshop is to provide guidance to our consultants on:- DAHP survey and inventory expectations
- site types
- the professional qualifications for recording sites
- changes to state law regarding Cultural Resources and the protection of graves;
- and to provide opportunities for consultants to ask questions about regulatory compliance on Section 106 and Governor’s Executive Order 05-05.