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DAHP's Latest Preservation Hero Award: Chuck Flint

  Certificate 1The Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation (DAHP) is pleased to announce that Chuck Flint of Soap Lake is the State Historic Preservation Officer’s (SHPO) most recent Washington Preservation Hero. On occasion, the SHPO confers a Preservation Hero recognition on individuals or organizations that dedicate their time and resources to help protect and preserve the state’s heritage. Since 2009, Chuck has spent many hours photographing historic and heritage cemeteries across the state of Washington, and kindly sharing the digital images with DAHP cemetery and archaeology staff.  DAHP uses Chuck’s photos in the Cemetery database and archive, plus in presentations and other outreach efforts.  Chuck is assisting DAHP in mapping and documenting current conditions at these important, but sometimes disappearing, cultural resources. The SHPO and DAHP staff congratulate Chuck on being a Preservation Hero and extend our sincere thanks for his contribution to historic preservation work in Washington. Do you know of someone like Chuck or an organization that has done good preservation work and deserves recognition? If so, consider nominating them as a Preservation Hero. DAHP has initiated the program to recognize  and “thank” historic preservation’s many unsung heroes.  The nomination process is easy; just contact DAHP and let us know who you would like to nominate and why. Explain the project or work that was accomplished and the impact it had on protecting our heritage. For background information, reference any social media or send along some photos or articles as well.  Preservation Heroes receive a certificate and posting on our blog and Facebook page.  Questions? Contact Greg Griffith at or 360-586-3073. Some of Chuck's work at the Maryhill-Columbus cemetery in Klickitat County in 2012: P1040564 P1040565 P1040570