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Draft State Historic Preservation Plan Review Period Down to Final Week

Time is running out to take a look at Washington’s draft state historic preservation plan for 2014-2019. Comments are due to DAHP at close of business on Friday, November 22nd.  As a teaser, the draft includes three broad goals:
  1. Revitalize communities by actively engaging historic preservation with other forces shaping our environment.
  2. Engage a broad spectrum of the public in preservation by improving access to information.
  3. Strengthen policies and planning processes to enhance informed decision-making for managing historic and cultural resources.
Each goal is supported by several strategies and specific tasks to achieve during the five year planning cycle. Each task also is tagged with timelines and products. It also identifies agencies or organizations helping to implement the plan…your name might be there. Comments and questions should be provided to Greg Griffith at or at 360-586-3073.