4th Ebey’s Forever Conference Promises Fun for All Registration Opens for Annual Gathering in the Heart of Central Whidbey Registration opened this week for the 4th Ebey’s Forever Conference & Community Event, and this year’s program promises family fun, field trips, and tasty fresh food. The program was just released for the November 4 – 5 event hosted by the Trust Board of Ebey’s Reserve and its partners. Its full day of workshops and field trips will be headlined by a keynote on sustaining our fragile land by Roylene Rides at the Door, Washington State Conservationist for the Natural Resources Conservation Service. Rides at the Door grew up on her family’s ranch on the Blackfeet Nation in Montana where she learned how to care for the land. After kicking off on Friday night with a free “Celebrating Rural Character (s)” potluck featuring pioneer stories, live bluegrass and a homemade dinner at the Crockett Barn, Saturday morning’s workshop sessions will be held at the historic Camp Casey Conference Center. Afternoon field trips will let attendees hike some new trails, tour historic buildings, and enjoy a “taste-off” featuring Ebey’s famous Rockwell Beans prepared by local chefs and farmers. A full day of concurrent field trips for families to enjoy together will explore birds and beach, the Ft. Casey Lighthouse and culminate in a trolley ride through Ebey’s farmland. The conference wraps up with a special farmers market and closing pie social. For the full program and to register, go to www.ebeysforever.com.