Falling by the Wayside: Call for 2014 Nominations
Jun 10, 2014
"Big Stump" Arlington All across the country along the nation’s highways and byways there are reminders of the heyday of the American roadside. From filling stations and tourist courts to bridges, parks, and diners, these roadside icons remind us of a time before the Interstates when the American road trip was truly an adventure and a journey of discovery of unique places to visit. Although some of these remnants of our roadside past are lovingly restored, others are endangered due to a variety of factors including new development, a lack of funds for maintenance or restoration, or a lack of knowledge and appreciation of the roadside landmark that is in our backyard. Does your community have a roadside resource that is endangered? If so, consider nominating it to the SCA’s 2014 Falling By the Wayside List. Nominations for this year’s list are due by August 1, 2014. Help spread the word, and do your part to raise awareness of the fragile nature of the country’s roadside resources. To read more, click here to visit the main Falling by the Wayside page. To nominate a place, click here to download and complete our nomination form!