Jan 27, 2010
The Washington State Department of Commerce (COM) has announced the publication and final adoption of new administrative rules for the Growth Management Act (GMA), passed by the State Legislature in 1990. The Growth Management Services (GMS) office within COM has devoted 2 1/2 years to the review and comment process. The new rules (often referred to as "WAC" for Washington Administrative Code) will be published in the Washington State Register on Feb. 3, 2010 and go into effect on Feb. 19.
While the GMA includes historic preservation as a statewide planning goal, cities and counties planning under the Act are not required to address historic preservation in local comprehensive goals. However, recognizing the importance of historic preservation to land use planning and quality of life, a growing number of jurisdictions have developed historic preservation elements or chapters in their planning documents.
The revision of the GMA administrative code is the first time the rules have been revised since the law's enactment. While historic preservation is not a required element, the new rules include additional language pertaining to cultural resources including definitions and guidance for incorporating historic preservation in local planning efforts. Thanks for the higher profile of preservation in the WACs goes to Dave Andersen of Growth Management Services who led the revision process plus Janet Rogerson, a senior planner in GMS. Both Dave and Janet worked to make sure that preservation language was included in the new rules. To review the rules and obtain more information about the process, go to the Department's website.