Apr 24, 2012
On May 15, 2012, Historic Seattle hosts its fourth Annual Historic Preservation Awards ceremony at Good Shepherd Center, a community asset saved, preserved and renovated by Historic Seattle. These yearly awards acknowledge recent successes in the local preservation field. Enjoy wine, beer, and appetizers, accompanied by the melodious sounds of harpist Stephanie Taylor, in a room off the newly restored veranda—open if the weather cooperates. Join with old and new friends and colleagues who share a passion for preservation. Then move upstairs to the Chapel Space for desserts, coffee, and tea, a performance by pianist Dawn Clement to experience the superior acoustics, followed by a presentation by former Executive Director John Chaney on the stewardship challenges and successes over 35 years of ownership. University of Washington Architecture Professor Jeffrey Ochsner introduces the 2012 Preservation Award recipients. KeyBank is Lead Sponsor of the Fourth Annual Preservation Awards, with additional support from 4Culture. What: Reception and Awards Ceremony Where: Good Shepherd Center, 4649 Sunnyside Avenue N., Seattle WA 98103 When: Tuesday, May 15, 5:30 pm – 8:00 pm; formal program at 7:00 pm Register: $50 Historic Seattle members; $60 General Public; $25 students; Includes appetizers, one glass wine or beer, desserts, coffee and tea Register at https://www.historicseattle.org/events/eventdetail.aspx?id=533 or call (206) 622-6952. 2012 Award Winners:
Best Restoration Project - Mary Olson Farm, Auburn Best Rehabilitation Project - Christ Our Hope Church Exemplary Stewardship - Pacific Science Center Community Advocacy - Volunteer Park Seattle Landmark Designation Community Investment - Michael Malone Preserving Neighborhood Character - Red Mill Totem House Heritage Education Publication - The Future Remembered: The 1962 Seattle World’s Fair and Its Legacy Living Landmark - Paul Dorpat