Kim Gant is Not in Kansas Anymore!
Nov 07, 2014
Washington State Historic Preservation Officer (SHPO) Allyson Brooks and Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation (DAHP) staff extend a warm welcome to Kim Gant as our newest staff member. Kim has assumed the position of the department's Local Preservation Programs (CLG) coordinator as well as manager of the Historic Property Survey and Inventory program. She fills the positions formerly held by Megan Duvall who has moved to Spokane and serving as that city's Historic Preservation Officer. Kim comes to us from Kansas, where she worked in that state's Historic Preservation Office that is housed at the state Historical Society. With that office, she was responsible for providing reviews on federal agency projects under Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act. She also assisted with other federal historic preservation programs including Survey & Inventory, the National Register of Historic Places, rehabilitation tax incentives plus state-enacted incentive and environmental review programs. Kim received her Masters degree in Historic Preservation from the College of Charleston and her Bachelors degree in Interior Design from the University of Missouri. Originally from metropolitan St. Louis, Kim and her husband will be leaving their historic Craftsman home in Topeka to settle in the Olympia area. Rick is a mathematics teacher and will be joining Kim here in Washington later in December. Now that she has arrived at DAHP, Kim is busy transitioning to her new office and anxious to meet and work with DAHP's stakeholders in local preservation programs and colleagues in Washington's heritage community. She will also be our contact person for postings on our blog. It is great having Kim join us at DAHP. We know you will enjoy working with her and we look forward to opportunities for you to get acquainted with her. In the meantime, Kim can be reached via email at Once her desk phone is working, her telephone number will be 360-586-3074; until then, she can be reached at DAHP main line at 360-586-3065.