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The board of directors of the Northwest Chapter of the Victorian Society in America will host two major events in 2010. Victorian Grand Ball on May 1st and a Candlelight Christmas Tour of Homes the first weekend in December. Plans for the organization to continue the popular Victorian Festival in 2010 were cancelled last December due to the downturn in the economy and a lack of financial support from some of its regular sponsors.  "Board members feel that two smaller individual events in the spring and another just before the year-end holidays are more likely to attract local participation by both sponsors and attendees", stated Chapter president, Nina Dortch. A Victorian Grand Ball, traditionally the highlight of the Victorian Festival held in March, will be held instead this year on May 1st.  The venue will be in Port Angeles, confirming the VSA-NW's commitment to expanding the scope of its activities to other Pacific Northwest sites.  "We've located a great venue in Port Angeles with a large dance floor suitable for Victorian era dances, and we're excited about the number of new volunteers who are coming forward due to the location change.  Port Angeles has many people interested in Victoriana", stated Darlene Startup and Chris Burnett, co-chairs of the ball, "and many of our regular attendees from historical costume and dance groups plan to come from the Seattle area".  The Ball will coincide with the annual Irrigation Festival in Sequim, and organizers hope people attending the daytime festivities will plan to stay and participate in the gala evening of refreshments and dancing.  The second major event the Chapter is planning is a December event date to be determined.  It will be a Holiday Homes Tour of Victorian houses dressed in their Christmas finery and will include refreshments.  "This will also be a ticketed event, and we hope to have three homes open for the evening.  Local shops, florists and decorators will be invited to participate in decorating at least one of the homes as a designer's showcase for their merchandise and expertise.  It's a new concept for VSA-NW, but we feel we will sell out the limited number of tickets that will be made available", stated Pat Durbin, event organizer.  "People love to tour Victorian homes, and at Christmas time they present an even more magical atmosphere".  The Victorian Society in America is the only national non-profit organization committed to historic preservation, protection, understanding, education, and enjoyment of our nineteenth century heritage.  The Northwest Chapter was chartered in October, 2008 and members include lovers of history, restoration, dance, costuming, and Victorian decorative arts. Individuals who wish to participate in the planning or to help on the days of the events are encouraged to email: or phone 360 379-2847 for further information.  VSA-NW is also seeking a director for the March 2011 Victorian Festival.  Planning is already underway.   This will be a compensated volunteer position.  Interested individuals can request additional information by using the contact information above.  VSA-NW Chapter updates and membership information can be found on the VSA-NW website