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Home » Marion Dean Ross Chapter of the Society of Architectural Historian's 2015 Conference Program Available

Marion Dean Ross Chapter of the Society of Architectural Historian's 2015 Conference Program Available

The Marion Dean Ross Chapter of the Society of Architectural Historian's 2015 conference program has been completed!  This year, the conference will be based in Ashland, Oregon, October 23-25, 2015.  The program and registration information can be found here: The theme is "Artifice and Authenticity in Architecture! To Play or Not To Play?"  The conference will be based in Ashland, but we will also be spending time in nearby Medford and Jacksonville. The key dates are as follows: September 22, 2015 - Deadline for conference hotel rate October 7, 2015 - Registration deadline without a late fee October 20, 2015 - Deadline for off-site registration October 23-25, 2015 - Conference in Ashland We will be soliciting ideas from the membership for future conference locations at the general meeting on October 24th.  So if you have a city that you think would make a good conference location in the Pacific Northwest, be ready to put it forward, especially if the idea comes with a local liaison or liaisons.  We like to spread the wealth around the PNW, so please refer to the list of past conferences on our website at: For updates and breaking news, go to the SAH MDR website: As always, check out our SAH MDR blog for news about historic architecture in the Pacific Northwest: Hope to see y'all in Ashland! - Dave Pinyerd SAH MDR membership coordinator