Maritime Cultural Landscape Symposium - Live Streaming
Sep 30, 2015
Great opportunity to view a symposium remotely!
The Maritime Cultural Landscape Symposium, co-presented by NPS, NOAA, BOEM, and the Wisconsin SHPO, will take place in Madison, Wisconsin, on October 14-15, 2015. The symposium will convene people who are studying, defining, and evaluating maritime cultural landscapes (MCLs). The 45 speakers represent various disciplines from several federal agencies, tribes, and SHPOs. The agenda and registration information can be found at the Wisconsin Historical Society website: If you're interesting in attending, you must register soon! After the symposium, a collection of abstracts and preliminary recommendations on the identification and evaluation of MCLs will be published online. The agenda is attached so you can see the topics that will be discussed. Those who cannot attend in person, can access the two-day symposium via streaming. Use the agenda to attend any that interest you (times are given in Central). To access the symposium as it is being streamed, use the following link: