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New Leadership at Historic Seattle

Dear Friends.  I am writing to let you know that  effective January 1, I will be stepping down as Executive Director of Historic Seattle. I will serve as Historic Seattle’s Foundation Director through the completion of our capital campaign to restore Washington Hall; and Kji Kelly, Deputy Director, will become Executive Director.  He and our terrific staff have the vision and skills to enhance and expand Historic Seattle’s operations and impact at a time of great change. It has been a wonderful experience to lead this organization for the past 7 years. It has been a pleasure to watch the growing support for Washington Hall, the 1908 theater that has been the focus of our preservation  efforts during this time. We have expanded our advocacy, outreach and easements work, and completed our restoration of  the Good Shepherd Center.  But I feel my biggest accomplishment has been to  work effectively with an experienced and brave PDA Council and extremely talented and hardworking staff. It has been a lot of fun, and truly satisfying. I look forward to working closely with the Foundation over the next months to complete our capital campaign and to position the Hall and the Foundation itself for the future. You may reach me at the same email with a new title (below) in the meantime. My best wishes for a great 2015! Kathleen Brooker Director Historic Seattle Foundation 1117 Minor Ave. Seattle WA 98101 Phone (206)-622-6952 x 222     Cell (206)619-9115 FAX      (206) 622-1197