Oct 06, 2009
The Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation is excited to have our new and improved WISAARD searchable online database available on the web! DAHP has worked for a year and a half on this project to make as much of our information available to the general public as we can. You will now be able to search for not only those properties that have been listed on the National Register of Historic Places, the Washington Heritage Register and the Heritage Barn Register --- but you will also have access to the tens of thousands of inventory records that DAHP has in its holdings. We have undergone a huge scanning project over the last several years in order to create pdfs of all of our legacy records - that includes inventory forms, cultural resource surveys, register listed properties, and more. Confidential resources such as archaeological data and reports are not available to the general public, but just about everything else is! We would love for you to check out the new site, just go to our home page ( and click on the WISAARD icon to get started. You'll see that the properties that are listed on a register - whether National, State or Barn - are available spatially (on the map). In order to see them on the map, just go to the "Layers" tab on the left hand side of the page and put a checkmark in the Historic Register Layers box. You'll have to zoom in on the map to see the icons show up, but then you'll be able to simply click on the identify button and click each resource to get more information on the particular site - even view photos and download a pdf of the original nomination form. The inventory resources are not yet available on the map. To search for survey forms, choose the "Search" tab above the map and then select the Historic Property Inventory Quick or Full Search. You can also search for properties listed on any Register this way. For those forms that have been inventoried since 2005, you should be able to view photos and print a report. For older, legacy data - you'll be able to download a pdf of the original form as it exists in our office. New survey forms are added to our database daily and as they are added on our end, they are immediately available to you. Some comments we have received on the new WISAARD so far:
[polldaddy poll=2085580]
Okay, this is freaking cool!!! Whoo-hoo!
I just wanted to send praise to the WA DAHP because I just tried the new WISAARD for the first time. This tool will make my research and work significantly more efficient! Thanks to all who made this web application work!!
I ran a record search this morning…and it was FANTASTIC. The site is looking and working well.
Wow… VERY nice! Lots of GIS data in there as well. Looks really good!
I know it’s woefully geeky to admit this, but I really have to say that the portal is loads of fun!