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NPI Announces Training Opportunities in the Northwest

The National Preservation Institute, a nonprofit organization founded in 1980, educates those involved in the management, preservation, and stewardship of cultural heritage. The 2014 National Preservation Institute seminar schedule is available online here. The 2014 NPI News Release includes the calendar and seminar descriptions. Advance registration rate available through February 27, 2014 These seminars are being held in cooperation with the Oregon Department of Transportation and the Oregon State Historic Preservation Office Cultural and Natural Resources: An Integrated Management Strategy Portland, OR โ€” April 8-9, 2014 Explore a holistic stewardship approach to an integrated management strategy for cultural and natural resources on public and private lands. These resources often are analyzed and planned for independently, leading to isolated approaches. Through case studies, discuss and evaluate long-term planning and decisionmaking processes that combine legal and management frameworks to better conserve and preserve the core values of these resources. An agenda is available online at Renewable Energy Development: Impacts on Cultural Resources Portland, OR โ€” April 10, 2014 Identify the impacts and effects that large-scale renewable energy development, such as solar and wind power, geothermal projects, and corridor development may have on cultural resources. Understand the infrastructure systems required and review approaches for identifying resources. Discuss the legal and consultation requirements under Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act and the National Environmental Policy Act. Explore the time frames and options for addressing impacts on cultural and natural resources. An agenda is available online at Instructor. Claudia Nissley, president, Nissley Environmental Consultants; former director, Western Office, Advisory Council on Historic Preservation and Wyoming State Historic Preservation Officer; specialist in preservation issues relating to NHPA, NEPA, CERCLA, ARPA, and NAGPRA LA CES. These seminars meet the criteria for programs in the Landscape Architecture Continuing Education System and participants will receive 6 PDH HSW each day. Registration. A registration form is available here. The advance registration rate is available through February 27, 2014. Questions? Please contact Jere Gibber, Executive Director, National Preservation Institute at: P.O. Box 1702, Alexandria, VA 22313 703/765-0100; 703/768-9350 fax;