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The National Park Service invites you to submit project proposals for its Cultural Resources Diversity Internship Program for the summer of 2010. Program Goals: The Cultural Resources Diversity Internship Program (CRDIP) provides career exploration opportunities to diverse undergraduate and graduate students in historic preservation and cultural resources management. The program also gives National Park Service offices, national park units, government agencies at all levels, and private organizations opportunities to meet promising young people who might choose a career in this field. The National Park Service Cultural Resources Program, through the CRDIP, cooperates with intern sponsors to provide students who have limited or no exposure to this field with quality work experiences. Program Goals: The Cultural Resources Diversity Internship Program (CRDIP) provides career exploration opportunities to diverse undergraduate and graduate students in historic preservation and cultural resources management. The program also gives National Park Service offices, national park units, government agencies at all levels, and private organizations opportunities to meet promising young people who might choose a career in this field. The National Park Service Cultural Resources Program, through the CRDIP, cooperates with intern sponsors to provide students who have limited or no exposure to this field with quality work experiences.   How the Program Works: The Cultural Resources Diversity Internship Program (CRDIP) will sponsor 15 to 18 interns during a 10-week summer session, beginning June 7, 2010. The cost is shared on a 50/50 basis between the CRDIP and the intern sponsor. The total cost for each summer intern is $11,358. Thus, intern sponsors are expected to contribute $5,679. This amount will be matched by the CRDIP. All funds will be deposited at the Student Conservation Association (SCA), which handles intern recruitment, intern application processing, payroll, and career mentoring. Please contact the coordinator with questions concerning the intern’s salary.   The NPS  is planning to hold a three-day Career Workshop in Washington, DC during the tenth week of the summer internship. The cost for each intern’s participation will be covered by the National Park Service, Cultural Resources Program.   Project Proposals:  In order to be considered for this program, please submit intern project proposals on the enclosed form by November 30, 2009 to: Turkiya Lowe by email, or by fax, (202) 371-2229. You can also submit hardcopy proposals to Cultural Resources Diversity Internship Program, National Park Service, 1849 C Street, NW (2280), Washington DC 20240-0001. Additional information about the program and application are available on our website: