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In fulfillment of The Manhattan Project National Historical Park Study Act of 2004, the National Park Service's Denver Service Center has released a draft report on the suitability and feasibility of adding four major sites associated with the World War II era Manhattan Project to the national park system. The study includes Washington's Hanford Site as well as facilities in Los Alamos, New Mexico, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, and Dayton, Ohio. Public meetings on the study are planned for each of the four sites this winter including on Thursday January 21, 2010 from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. and 7:00 to 9:00 pm at the Red Lion Hotel at 802 George Washington Way in Richland. In essence, the study identifies five alternatives (including the "no action" alternative) that describes options for preserving and interpreting these sites for public visitation. The report concludes that while the sites are historically very significant, it stops short of recommending a Manhattan Project National Historical Park at all four locations citing management difficulties, high operating costs, as well as health, safety, and security issues. Receiving a more favorable recommendation is the establishment of a consortium of localized preservation/interpretation organizations working under the management umbrella of a nationwide organization such as the existing Atomic Heritage Foundation or Energy Communities Alliance. Three other variations, such as designation of the sites as a discontiguous national heritage area, are also described and evaluated. The 200 page document pdf can be downloaded by visiting the NPS website. Or you can request a CD or hard copy be contacting Carla McConnell at 303-969-2287 or email at Comments on the study must be submitted to the NPS by March 1, 2010.