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Olympia Historical Society/Bigelow House Museum Program

The Olympia Historical Society and Bigelow House Museum in partnership with Washington State Archives is sponsoring a special event "Hunting for Olympia History Treasure Washington State Archives" at Washington State Archives at 1129 Washington Street in Olympia on Saturday October 17, 2015 from 10 am to 2 pm. The event will provide researchers a Saturday opportunity to use the extensive resources of State Archives to research family history, property history or general Olympia history.  Archive staff will be present to help attendees learn more about State Archives and its resources. Interested persons are encouraged to e-mail research requests to by October14, 2015.  If interested in historic property photographs, a parcel number is required. Researchers may bring laptops, personal scanners, cameras, cell phones (on silent), and flash drives (for scanning documents).   Archives will provide pencil and paper. Copies are $0.25 per page.   If researchers have notes, they are kept separately by archives or for one sheet, Archives can copy for reference.  As a general rule State Archives does not allow outside papers into the archives.  Wifi is available in the research room. Researchers can bring a lunch, refrigeration and eating space is available.  Lockers and nearby parking available.