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The Pacific Northwest has been a tough nut to crack for Preservation Trades. Up until several years ago, the nearest schools were located in Montana, Utah and California. Recently, Oregon added a one-year certificate program and a two-year AAS degree through Clatsop Community College across the river in Astoria. The Port Townsend School of Woodworking located at Fort Worden State Park, has been retooling their curriculum by placing special emphasis on Preservation Technology and will be offering smarckworth-shoppring and fall Preservation Field Schools next year. The Washington State Department of Veterans Affairs anticipates holding a two-week long preservation program at their hospital facility at Port Orchard this fall. It is the hope of the DVA that returning veterans of the Gulf Wars will receive the necessary skills to re-enter the workforce while alleviating the stress of lingering battle fatigue. The Ritzville Public Development Authorities dream of hosting a Preservation Technologies School has progressed to the point that they are planning to make a trial run at their newly remodeled facility in downtown Ritzville this fall. And Historic Seattle is well on its way to developing its own preservation trades program which will be offering classes to the public soon. For details on these developing schools contact Russell Holter at 360-586-3533.

Wood Window Restoration Workshop:

Most of the homes built at the turn of the 19th century have double hung sash windows and in many houses the years have taken their toll. The putty dries and glass rattles. The sashcords break, the thumb locks snap, the windows jam and the wind howls in. Owners without the time (and money) paint them shut and then are stifled in the summer when the cooling breeze would be welcomed. Repairing old windows, adding weather stripping and a storm window can make your windows almost as good as installing new windows. Curtains anybody? Many of the fixes can be made by a homeowner who understand how the windows work and can identify fixes they can make and the fixes where they need professional help. This two day course offers an introduction to wood windows in historic buildings with an emphasis on minor window repairs, sash re-glazing, window re-roping, and window weatherization. After this course you will have a good working knowledge of wood window terminology and you will know how to assess the condition of wood windows. You will understand materials needed to complete to complete these tasks and you will have the basics skills to make wood windows operational. It will also be an introduction on some of the methods to increase the energy efficiency of their wood windows.  This two day class will teach you how to dismantle, repair, re-rope and reglaze old double hung sash windows. Class size: 12  Cost:  $240  This course is offered once Saturday, October 17 to  Sunday, October 18.  For more information, visit: