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Preservation Webinar: Using Green Technology on Historic Properties

Using Green Technology on Historic Properties

August 14, 2013 2:00PM—3:15PM (EDT) INTERMEDIATE LEVEL The rehabilitation of historic properties, by definition, acknowledges the need to alter or add to a property to meet continuing or changing uses while retaining the property's historic character. Over the past several years, it has become increasingly common for historic building owners to include recently popular green technology in their rehabilitation plans. In this 75-minute webinar we will discuss how modern features may be incorporated on historic properties while meeting the Standards for Rehabilitation. Specific topics will include:
  • An overview of the historical relationship between energy use and building practices.
  • Meeting the Standards while incorporating the following features into a rehab project:
    • Green roofs;
    • Geothermal heating?cooling;
    • Solar electricity and solar hot water;
    • Wind turbines.
  • A review of the documentation needed by reviewers to assess proposals for such features.
Speakers Jenny Parker, LEED AP, Architectural Historian, National Park Service Liz Petrella, LEED AP, Architectural Historian, National Park Service Who Should Attend? Participants should have a basic knowledge of typical preservation practices and the Standards for Rehabilitation. This session is ideally suited for those who are considering a historic tax credit project that will include one of the green features discussed. In addition, the information may be useful to historical architects, preservation specialists, and local design review boards, among others. Registration To participate in this webinar you must register. Due to technical constraints, registration will be limited to the first 200 requests. After the first 200 registrations, names will be added to a waiting list. If there is enough demand, this event may be repeated for those on the waiting list. Questions about registration should be directed to (202) 354-2046. After you register if you determine you cannot participate, please cancel your registration to allow someone from the waiting list to take your place. Register Now