Section 106 Applicant Tool Kit Now Available Online
Sep 23, 2013
The Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (ACHP) has announced the availability of an Applicant Toolkit developed to provide guidance on the steps necessary to fulfill the requirements of Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act to those who apply for federal licenses, permits, funding, or approvals. Many federal agencies now require applicants to assist them in compliance with Section 106, these tools will help applicants better engage in Section 106 reviews and support timely reviews. The toolkit includes an overview of the Section 106 requirements and step by step guidance on supporting consultation with states and Indian tribes, engaging stakeholders, and avoiding inadvertent activities that may adversely affect historic properties. The ACHP encourages you to share this toolkit with others who may need to better understand the role of applicants in the Section 106 process and would benefit from the information it provides. For direct web access to the toolkit go here!