Society of Architectural Historians 2017 Conference
Mar 09, 2017
The Marion Dean Ross Chapter of the Society of Architectural Historian's 2017 conference preliminary program is now available: The preliminary program is not the final program, but it is fairly close. We plan to send out the final program in late April after the paper session speakers have been selected. At that time, we will open registration. The key dates for the conference are as follows: March 15, 2017 - Paper proposals due April 15, 2017 - Paper selection notification June 1, 2017 - Completed manuscripts due June 16-18, 2017 - Conference in Victoria Note that paper proposals are due March 15, a date we are fast approaching. Inspired by a variety of anniversary celebrations being held in Canada, this year's theme is "Commemorations." Topics germane to the theme are encouraged, but those covering any aspect of the built environment of the Pacific Northwest or beyond are welcome. There is still time to submit a short abstract -- the process is quick and easy! Details on how to submit a paper topic are here: There is also MONEY available to help YOU attend the conference! Find the details on funding here: Updates and further information can be found on the SAH MDR website at: As always, check out our SAH MDR blog for news about historic architecture in the Pacific Northwest: Please forward this message to anyone or any group that you see fit. Hope to see you in beautiful Victoria in June!