Unreinforced Masonry Building Inventory RFP Closes May 11, 2018
The Washington State Department of Commerce (COM) is seeking proposals to undertake a survey of unreinforced masonry buildings (URMs) in the state. Proposals are due to COM by cob on May 11. URMs are often historic buildings or located in historic districts and downtown areas. While important contributors to the historic character of our communities, they are also vulnerable to damage and could cause injury during seismic events. The State Legislature in interested in knowing how many and where URMs are located. The historic preservation community is supportive of this survey so that the State can design and implement programs to retrofit the buildings in order to preserve them plus reduce damage and threat to public safety. The survey has a short timeline with completion set for October 31, 2018. To view the RFP go to: http://www.commerce.wa.gov/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/19-96507-001-RFP-Amendment-with-QA.pdf