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Update: DAHP Move on Target for March 1

Plans remain on track for the Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation (DAHP) to move to its new location over the weekend of February 27th thru March 1, 2015. Our new location will be in the Capitol Court building at 1110 Capitol Way South in Olympia.  Capitol Court is the current name for the historic Thurston County Courthouse building, listed in the National Register of Historic Places. As of this writing, project managers are confident that work to prepare our new space will be completed by Thursday, February 26. On Friday, February 27th, movers will begin transferring boxes, furnishings, supplies, and equipment from our current space in the 1063 Building. That effort will continue into the weekend until completed. At this point, Friday the 27th looks to be the day when DAHP staff will be most difficult to reach. During that day, computers and telephones will be disconnected. Staff will still be available by mobile phone. Monday, March 2nd will be another day of transition as computers and telephone lines will be re-established as our IT consultants will be moving through to each work station to reconnect. That work will probably last into Tuesday, but definitely completed by Wednesday unless there is an unforeseen hitch. Of course, during this time, staff will be unpacking boxes and organizing work and shared spaces.  A final important note is that our current telephone numbers will remain intact through the move. Earlier information that we would be issued new numbers proved to be pre-mature.  Again, as we move closer to the move date, we appreciate your patience and understanding if our response time to your contact is not as timely as usual. Remember, we will be available by phone or email until the 27th and back-up and running by March 4th if not earlier. Also, many staff have mobile telephone numbers by which we will be accessible.