Washington Preservation Hero Award to Jennifer Haegele
Nov 20, 2014
The Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation (DAHP) is pleased to announce that Jennifer Haegele of Spokane is the State Historic Preservation Officer’s (SHPO) most recent Washington Preservation Hero. On occasion, the SHPO confers a Preservation Hero recognition on individuals or organizations that dedicate their time and resources to help protect and preserve the state’s heritage. Since 2012, Jennifer Haegele has played an extraordinary administrative support role for the City of Spokane’s Historic Preservation Department. Jennifer greatly assisted with the organization and preparation for the National Trust’s 2012 conference in Spokane. That feat alone deserves merit but Jennifer has continued to go above-and-beyond for the department. She helped with the organizing of the Certified Local Government grant for the Multiple Property Documentation of the Spokane Park System, and continues to assist with the Landmarks Commission for the city. Jennifer, who has been described as the department’s “backbone,” is a great support for the City of Spokane’s preservation efforts as she makes sure everything is in its place and on time. This sort of behind-the-scenes work especially deserves recognition since, as is usually forgotten, all the little duties add up to form the larger picture of preservation in Spokane. The SHPO, DAHP and the HP Department for the City of Spokane congratulate Jennifer on being a Preservation Hero and extend our sincere thanks for her contribution to historic preservation work in Washington.