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Wenatchee: Hands-on Workshops for Historic Property Owners

April 19 – 21, 2013

The City of Wenatchee in conjunction with a grant from the Washington State Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation through the National Park Service is holding a Historic Workshop Weekend. YOU WILL LEARN — the value and integrity of your historic property. YOU WILL RECIEVE — expert tips on proper maintenance of your historic property. YOU WILL LEARN — about exterior improvements such as repairing historic windows. Kevin Palo from Ten Mile Restoration LLC will conduct the Historic Preservation.  Mr. Palo is both a practitioner and teacher of historic preservation.  He has received many Historic Preservation Awards, including a 2011 Washington Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation award for historic preservation work at Fort Worden.  Mr. Russell Holter will assist with the Theory and Application workshop.  Mr. Holter is the Compliance Officer and Training Coordinator for the Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation and other state and federal agencies. On Friday, April 19, 2013 from 9 am to 4 pm at City Hall, 129 South Chelan Ave.  The workshop will focus on the theory and application of Historic Preservation. On Saturday, April 20, 2013 from 9 am to 4 pm at Public Services Center, 1350 McKittrick Street.  The workshop will focus on preservation techniques and demonstrations. On Sunday, April 21, 2013 from 9 am to 4 pm at Public Services Center, 1350 McKittrick Street. The workshop will focus on historic windows. For more details please contact Brian Frampton at 509-888-3253 or