Wisaard Q & A
It's Baaaack! I have a lot of new frequently asked questions about Wisaard so let's do it!
Q: When I am uploading photos, sometimes the information I type in the fields disappears. Why is that? What can I do?
A: This is because in order to save the text in photo data fields you must click outside of each text field before moving to the next one. This click serves to save the data you just typed. Get into the habit of typing, then clilck outside the box, then click the next box. This should ensure that the data is saved.
Q. How can I make sure I don't make a duplicate project?
A: The system is designed for a lead agency (federal, state, or local, depending on the regulatory nexus) to initiate a project in Wisaard, add the appropriate project contacts, such as consultants, and then let the contacts know of the number. That way there is no wondering if there is already a number. In addition, DAHP staff is not able to add anyone to a project without the consent of the lead federal agency for Section 106 projects. All the more reason for agencies to take the lead in making sure the appropriate contacts are added as soon as they are known.
Q: Sometimes my former employer shows up in the Project APE even though I have contacted DAHP to change my information. Can I change it?
A: Unfortunately this is a Wisaard glitch that can't be fixed at the moment. We are aware of it and it is definitely on our list of things to fix.
Q: Is Wisaard finished? What is next for Wisaard?
A: Wisaard is not finished. We are continually working on securing funding to add and improve functionality and hope that it will eventually be able to usher users through the entire Section 106 process. We will probably not get there in the next year, but we are currently working on making the interface and workflow more user friendly.
As usual, if you have any questions, or need any assistance please let us know. Send an email to support@dahp.wa.gov. If you encounter a problem, try to note what you were doing when the problem occurred. In order for us to figure out how to fix things, we have to know the exact steps that led to the problem. If possible, try to duplicate the problem. Sometimes there are just hiccups that happen once and go away. Try refreshing your browser and clearing your cache to see if it clears up. If it truly is a bug, the problem will still be there after you refresh.