Wisaard Q & A
Aug 29, 2016
Monday greetings to you all! It's time for another installment of As the Wisaard Turns (cue cheesy music)! Sorry I missed last week, I was a little under the weather. 
Wisaard will be down on Wednesday, August 31 for software updates. This is happy news.
Q: When are the next Wisaard updates going to happen? We've waited so patiently and you said it was going to be done last week! A: Thursday September, 1! Yes, that is this coming Thursday. However, Wisaard will be down on Wednesday, August 31 for the software updates. We will update the website and Facebook when it is back online. You can spend the Labor Day holiday weekend filling out archaeology site forms from home! Items on this software update include:- Online Archaeology site form
- Online Traditional Cultural Place template
- Print Function for historic property inventory forms, register properties, and the new archaeology and TCP form/template.
- Export search results to Excel or PDF