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Home » Wisaard Q & A - Bellingham Wisaard Training Announced

Wisaard Q & A - Bellingham Wisaard Training Announced

Greetings! If you have been receiving double blog posts lately, we apologize and I believe we have that fixed. We have also been experiencing bugs in the system overall since the rollout of the new features. Please bear with us as we work them out. Great news! We have scheduled a Wisaard training in Bellingham
  • When: December 6, 2016.
  • Where: Bellingham City Council Chambers at 210 Lottie St., Bellingham
  • What time: 9:30 am and end at 12:30.
  • Please register by sending an email to Please include Bellingham Wisaard Training in the subject line.
IMPORTANT NOTICE: We have removed the validations from Wisaard entirely. I think this is good news! What this means is that the Wisaard will no longer prevent you from Submitting an Activity if you have not filled in a required field. It also means that the Validation buttons have been removed. If your submission is missing something, DAHP staff will notify you.