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Draft State Historic Preservation Plan Available for Review

The Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation (DAHP) has released its draft (WA Historic Preservation Plan_DRAFT_2013-1031) for public review and comment. The 37 page document represents the culmination of eight months of meetings, presentations, and stakeholder input on goals for the state’s historic preservation community to achieve during the five-year planning cycle. Comments should be submitted to DAHP by Friday, November 22, 2014. Getting the Future Right has three goals each with a series of supportive strategies and tasks. The plan also identifies key players for implementation plus associated products and timeframes.  Also in the plan for review is a description of the planning public participation process, an assessment of the status of the Washington State Inventory of Cultural Resources, and statewide trends affect preservation work. DAHP is required to produce and help implement a state historic preservation plan on a five year cycle as a result of provisions in the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966. The 2009-13 plan currently in effect, Sustaining Communities through Historic Preservation, lapses at the end of this year. This plan may be viewed from DAHP’s website at: /sites/default/files/PreservationPlan09.pdf. At this time, it is important to recognize and thank the many participants who have worked to bring the plan to this stage.  The Preservation Plan Steering Committee has truly led the planning process and its content. All members have fully participated in committee meetings; reviewed and commented on drafts; and have generously shared their expertise and insights on historic preservation work in Washington. Natasha Fedo of BERK Associates together with Teresa Brum of Brum and Associates have been instrumental throughout the planning process, managing all aspects from drafting text to public participation. Also crucial to shaping the plan has been State Historic Preservation Officer Allyson Brooks and DAHP staff who have been reviewing, commenting, and providing valuable insights. Please see  a complete list of Steering Committee members and DAHP staff beginning on page 34 of the draft.  Finally, everyone who has provided comment at meetings, workshops, or the on-line survey are thanked for participating and sharing your valuable time. Comments on the draft plan are needed by close of business on Friday, November 22 and can be emailed to Greg Griffith at or mailed to DAHP at POB 48343, Olympia WA 98504-8343. Questions can be directed to Greg by email or calling 360-586-3073. Also, contact Greg if you would like a WORD document version of the plan for making comments and/or public participation materials.