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Home » Building and Energy Code Workshop for Historic Properties: Spokane - September 17

Building and Energy Code Workshop for Historic Properties: Spokane - September 17

Rehabilitating and reusing historic buildings can help municipalities, building owners and developers meet important objectives ranging from preserving local character, to encouraging green building, revitalization, and construction.  But what about the challenges in bringing older buildings "Up to Code" - how can these projects work and still meet modern requirements for safety and efficiency?  Architect Marilyn Kaplan (Preservation Architecture, Albany, NY), an expert in historic buildings, building codes and energy codes, will present a one day workshop on this subject.  This workshop will include lunch and an interactive discussion with local experts.  Program qualifies for Continuing Education Units for AIA HSW 6 CEUs, APA/AICP and ICC. Hosted by the City of Spokane with support from AIA Spokane, Inland Empire Section of the APA, Northwest Chapter of the ICC, and the Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation. September 17th, 2013 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. $25 includes: workshop, lunch, and CEU certificate The Spokane Club, 1002 West Riverside Avenue, Spokane, WA 99201 Register here:

Questions? Contact: Caitlin Shain,