Port Townsend Victorian Heritage Festival Set for March 22-24
Mar 04, 2013
The 2013 Victorian Heritage Festival will take place on March 22 - 24, 2013. We look forward to presenting a diverse array of programs and presentations ranging from the elegance of Victorian ladies' wear to the rough and tumble waterfront trades of sailor, prize fighters, soldiers and seamstresses. General pass tickets now on sale. (More info.) Early-bird special through March 8th. Featured Events:
- Square Dance - Friday night kick up your heels!
- Gardening - Of plants, food, and preventing your garden from being deer fodder
- Manly Arts - Sidearms, bicycles, and hairy-chested pursuits - Women Welcome!
- Fashion - Experts explore the fashion of men and women's clothes
- Victorian Ball - Saturday night dance to fine music amongst the sumptuously dressed
- Afternoon Tea - A luxurious afternoon tea in a Victorian home
- Fashion Show - A review of men's & women's Victorian clothes
- Fundraiser Banquet - Insight and a delicious Venison Dinner