Jan 31, 2011
The State of Washington is disbursing $1.2 million in transportation enhancement grants focused on archaeological planning and historic preservation. The goal of these grants is to improve the states cultural resources related to transportation. A wide variety of projects can accomplish this goal. Projects must be involved historic preservation or archaeological planning using cultural resources in TWO or MORE regional transportation district - eligible grantees are GOVERNMENTS, NON-PROFITS or MUSEUMS. Private contractors may partner with one of the eligible grantees, but may not apply independently.
A variety of projects can accomplish this task. Proposals should include a proposed scope of work and link this scope to the goals of the grant. Example projects include, but are not limited to:

- Inventory of archaeological resources covering two or more regional transportation planning areas.
- Interpretive displays or exhibits covering archaeological resources in two more regional transportation planning areas.
- Digitization of archaeological resource documents covering two or more regional transportation planning areas.
- Archaeological context documents covering two more regional transportation planning areas.
- Inventory of linear transportation features covering two or more regional transportation planning areas.
- Context document for historic bridges covering two more regional transportation areas.
- WEB related public education/tourism projects related to historic transportation resources in two more regional planning areas.
- Digitization of historic resource documents covering two or more regional transportation areas.
- Statewide context documents for historic transportation resources (e.g. railroad hotels, etc.)
- Interpretive displays or exhibits covering transportation related historic resources in two or more regional transportation planning areas.