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Final program for SAHMDR 2018 conference is available

The final program is available and registration is open for the May 18-20, 2018 conference of the Marion Dean Ross Chapter of the Society of Architectural Historians. Links to the program and registration information are below. 

Our conference will be held in Astoria, Oregon this year. Inspired by Astoria’s rich history and the diversity of its traditional ethnic communities, the conference theme is, “Constructing Community: Architecture, Diversity, and Identity in the Pacific Northwest.”

The conference will begin on Friday with a visit to the Columbia River Maritime Museum and an opening reception and keynote speaker and will continue on Saturday with eight paper presentations by regional architectural historians, two special invited speakers, a downtown walking tour, and our annual banquet and keynote speaker. Sunday is reserved for a bus tour of regional historic sites.

Updates and further conference information can be found on the SAH MDR website at:
Updates may also be found on our blog at:

We hope to see you in Astoria!

Diana J. Painter
President, Marion Dean Ross chapter of the Society of Architectural Historians
Tel: 707-763-6500