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Wisaard Q & A


A few Wisaard announcements: 

1. If you are filling out archaeology site form updates, it is extremely important that you do not delete any documents or images that you did not add. Wisaard saves documents and images at the Resource level, not the Inventory level. This means that when you start a new inventory for an existing site, the documents and images from the previous inventory will appear with your new inventory as well. The reason for this is so you can see all the images related to the site without having to open each inventory. It is very important that you date and label your photos so that the reader can associate the photos with the correct inventory. 

2.  We have updated the archaeology site form tutorial to include some additional information about adding image metadata. Please check it out if you complete these forms. Here is the direct link to the document.

3. We have completed a video for Project Process for Section 106! Here is the link!

Kim Gant